Saturday, July 16, 2011

lots on my mind

So lately I have been rethinking somethings and coming to some pretty extreme conclusions.  I am not as happy as I pretend to be.  I am getting tired of putting up with nasty attitudes, quick tempers, and the reasoning of oh things will change.  And when I stand up for myself  I get that I am being a bitch and too harsh and told to "chill out!".  Well, I am sick of always being blamed for things whether or not I have done them, getting bitched if I do something that is an accident and assuming that I have done it on purpose.  I am tired of no respect.  I am tired of subtle postings on fb that are directed at me and about me.  I Am The ADULT!  Lately all I want is to run away.  I thought that things were going to get better after the adult children moved out and I would get some help around here, but that hasn't happened.   I don't want to make another fresh start, but at the same time I know that things are not going to change, and I am closer to my dream of having a baby than I have ever been.  At least I have a house to live in so if I have one we have a place to live, but at what cost?  I don't want any child of mine to grow up with no respect for me, because that would be learned form someone else that lives here too, and I don't want my child to learn the nasty attitude that someone else in the house also has.  And I know that one person in this house WANTS me GONE, and it doesn't matter what I do or say, one little firm statement and I get the attitude of "now I want to beat someone up."